Rubbing the Elbows: How to Prevent Pain in Elbows and Fingers
Whatever our age and occupation in life, we use our hands. When we brush our teeth, drive a car, replant flowers, or send an email, our elbows and fingers do the work. When something goes wrong with them, this affects the quality of our life. Here is how you can take care of your elbows…
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Toned Neck and Flexible Back: Ultimate Exercises to Improve Posture
“Stand straight and don’t slouch!” Yeah, your mother probably told you this. And she was right: good posture is not all about beauty. According to the research “Body Posture Affects Confidence In Your Own Thoughts,” we look and feel more confident and less anxious when we keep our back straight.We can even get our emotional…
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Seven Tips for Walking: Keep Your Back Healthy
Are you trying to walk 10 thousand steps every day or do you skip your daily walks? Whatever the case, both the length of your walk and your gait while walking are important. Do you know that your walk is as unique as your fingerprints or retina pattern? When the international team of bioengineers analyzed…
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Tips for Effective Stretching Without Injuries
Stretching is an important part of your physical activity. Stretching helps to prepare muscles for a workout and recover after it. Stretching exercises strengthen the ligaments, improve the functioning of the joints and help to prevent injuries. But if you are not careful or are doing them wrong, such exercises can lead to muscle and…
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