Antioxidants and Free Radicals: How Enemies Have Become Friends
Antioxidant means anti-oxygen. Our life is full of paradoxes. We cannot live without oxygen. But it is the oxygen that launches the oxidation processes, destroying cells and finally aging and death. How did the standoff begin? People have early detected that air has a destructive effect. At first, no one related this phenomenon and the…
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Deficiency in Omega-3: Do You Have Symptoms ?
Omega-3 fatty acids belong to the most essential nutrients. They can affect your ability to work, your memory, and the health of your cardiovascular system. Still, many people suffer from the deficiency of fatty acids. Are you among them? Our quiz will help you find…
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Nutraceutical Trends: What’s New in the Dietary Supplements Market
Nutraceuticals are constantly evolving while scientists are creating new functional supplements and vitamin complexes. Like any other progressive industry, it has its trends and novelties. Let’s take a closer look at the most popular nutritional supplements that have shaken the healthy lifestyle world. Collagen Collagen is deemed to be a stuffing material for your skin…
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What Do You Eat and How to Make Your Diet Healthy?
What has the most impact on your health? Is it genetics inherited from your parents or your chosen lifestyle? The experts are unanimous on this point: the more healthy and varied your diet is, the more often you exercise, and the more effort you make for the early prevention of the diseases, the better your…
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Youth Protein: Where It Comes From and Why We Lose It?
It is popular to think that collagen is next door to a magic substance delivering youthful power to your skin and needing a continual replenishment and facilitation using various cosmetic products. While in fact, collagen is a quite normal, regular protein produced by your body throughout your lifetime and makes up the most in the…
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