Find Out How Well You Know Your Body
How do you know that you have high blood pressure? Do you make an appointment with a doctor if your joints hurt? Which tests do you need to have regularly to keep healthy? Here is the test which will help you to find out how well you know your…
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Why We Can’t Sleep Well and How to Change That
You count sheep in bed, wake up in the middle of the night, and can’t fall asleep again. In the morning, you wake up too early and you feel exhausted. All of these are symptoms of insomnia. According to the research data, 26% of elderly people are suffering from sleep disorders – “Prevalence of chronic insomnia…
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Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Getting Older
Retirement is a pivotal point in life. Many recommend making arrangements for it in advance. We will cover what is to be focused on and what should be taken lightly. During the last one hundred years, the human life cycle has changed, and people have begun to live longer. Thus, for example, at the beginning…
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Rubbing the Elbows: How to Prevent Pain in Elbows and Fingers
Whatever our age and occupation in life, we use our hands. When we brush our teeth, drive a car, replant flowers, or send an email, our elbows and fingers do the work. When something goes wrong with them, this affects the quality of our life. Here is how you can take care of your elbows…
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