The heaviness in the stomach and abdominal strain, rumbling, burping and bloating can significantly affect your life. Check our quiz to determine if you are aware of what causes this problem and how to solve…
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What is the best time for waking up, which can help to get asleep easier at night? Should you take a nap? Can a night owl become an early bird, and does it make sense? This quiz will help you to find out how to create a comfortable sleep schedule.…
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Aromatic herbs and spices don't just make your meals more delicious. Some of them also help us maintain our health. Do you know how to use spices to improve your well-being? Let's check…
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Omega-3 fatty acids belong to the most essential nutrients. They can affect your ability to work, your memory, and the health of your cardiovascular system. Still, many people suffer from the deficiency of fatty acids. Are you among them? Our quiz will help you find…
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What would you do to get enough vitamins? Of course, have a diverse diet, choose healthy foods, and take vitamin supplements. But are you sure that you get all the vitamins from capsules and your meals?[Е1] Our quiz will help you find…
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How do you know if you have vision problems? To begin with, schedule an appointment with an eye specialist. Before you get to see the doctor, pass our test. It will help you find out what certain symptoms signal and whether they are symptoms at…
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