Antioxidant means anti-oxygen. Our life is full of paradoxes. We cannot live without oxygen. But it is the oxygen that launches the oxidation processes, destroying cells and finally aging and death. How did the standoff begin? People have early detected that air has a destructive effect. At first, no one related this phenomenon and the…
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You can be in love with summer and dislike autumn and winter. Or, it can be the opposite, and you may be impatiently waiting for the moment when the heat goes down, the colors become softer, and nature becomes more romantic. But whatever season you prefer, the fans of summer and winter are similarly defenseless…
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Every year different research demonstrates the same trend: no matter which continent, the economic development of the country of residence, cultural trends, and religious aspects, men consistently live less than women. Sadly, the experts are more convinced that the leading causes of lower life expectancy are carelessness about health, reluctance to do preventive examinations, and…
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According to the report “Blindness and vision impairment” by the World Health Organization, 36 million people worldwide are blind, and 1.3 billion people on the planet suffer from some form of visual impairment. The fear of blindness is in the top five most widespread phobias (occupying the fourth place), but, surprisingly, we do very little…
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Vitamins and minerals are essential for the normal and active functioning of our body. These are the organic compounds as well as microelements, indispensable amino acids, and fats, which, to a greater or lesser degree, regulate practically all processes in our body, from metabolism and producing hormones to forming tissues and generating energy. Most of…
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In 2017, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was granted to researchers Michael W. Young, Jeffrey C. Hall, and Michael Rosbash to discover mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythms, i.e., our circadian clock. Circadian rhythms affect most of the processes in our body. The circadian rhythms determine many things, including the time of the day…
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